PhD graduates and current students

Alongside co-authors, my former and current PhD students are at the core of a research community striving to push out the boundaries of political economy on the fundamental causes of development and non-development, and pioneering Q2 methods for subnational analysis.


Stefan Staschen


Victoria Soto

Centre d’études Interdisciplinaires en Économie de la Santé (CIES), Université Catholique de Louvain

Paula Giovagnoli

World Bank, Buenos Aires, Argentina & Universidad de la Plata

Current students

Nelson Ruiz-Garin

Local Politics, Democratization, and Violence in Colombia

Caroline Pöschl

Local Taxation and Democratic Accountability in Mexico

Laura Munro

Essays on Risk-Sharing Mechanisms and Health Services Delivery in Rural India

Maria López

Unpacking ‘Institutions’, a Subnational Approach: Property rights, infrastructure and violence in Colombia

Anila Channa

Essays in Education Decentralization: A Case Study of Pakistan

Gustavo Bonifaz

From Unfinished Modernization to State Crisis: The Gap between Legality and Legitimacy in Bolivia (2000-2008)