JEAN-PAUL FAGUET is Professor of the Political Economy of Development at the Department of International Development, London School of Economics, where he is programme director of the MSc in Development Management. He is also Chair of the Decentralization Task Force of the Initiative for Policy Dialogue at Columbia University. Dr Faguet’s teaching and research focus on comparative political economy, new institutional economics, economic development and economic history. He has published extensively in the academic literature, including “Decentralization and Popular Democracy: Governance from Below in Bolivia”.
Current interests include: The interactions between civil society and local government effectiveness, How civic cooperation can degenerate into social conflict, and Spatial patterns of politics and violence at the sub-national level, especially in Latin America. Longer-term interests include: Closed-to-open-access transitions, The social and organizational underpinnings of the Eastern European ‘colour revolutions’, The political, economic and social determinants of civil violence, Is there ‘social’ enterprise?, Is there ‘structural power’?, The death of foreign aid and the rise of development as an international club good, and how to blend qualitative and quantitative methodologies for social science research.
Research interests
- Closed to-open-access transitions
- The social and organizational underpinnings of the Eastern European ‘colour revolutions’
- The political, economic and social determinants of civil violence
- Is there ‘social’ enterprise?
- Is there ‘structural power’?
- Endogenous institutional change
Dr Faguet has had published a wide range of books, special issues, journal articles, chapters and policy literature. See the complete list of recent and selected publications on LSE’s who’s who.